・1 Assistant
・Service starts from 08:30~23:30 within 12 hours
・All photos with basic retouching services
・All Photos will be stored in a 16GB USB Drive
& Google Drive
・1 Videographer
・1 Assistant
・Service starts from 08:30~23:30 within 12 hours
・All photos with basic retouching services
・Full day video with after editing
・Same day edit (SDE) video
・All Photos will be stored in a 32GB USB Drive
& Google Drive
・2 Videographers
・1 Assistant
・Service starts from 08:30~23:30 within 12 hours
・All photos with basic retouching services
・Full day video with after editing
・Same day edit (SDE) video
・Childhood music video
・All Photos will be stored in a 32GB USB Drive
& Google Drive